Thursday, May 3, 2007


I can think of better things to spend money than on than Olympic preparations. Even if private funds are all that are ever needed, with no chance that taxpayers would be on the hook, such funds would be squandered on, among other things, the construction of a $350,000,000+ TEMPORARY stadium! The world could save a lot of money if the Olympics, at least the summer version, were permantly held where they started, in Greece, with the proceeds used to offset the costs of the expenses of all participating parties.

Mr. Governor, Mr. Mayor, the State of Illinois is not only flat broke, but it is deep in debt, and you want to spend your time and money pursuing a feel-good Olympics to make Chicago 'World Class'? World Class what? Did it take an Olympics to make L.A. 'World Class'. When you are in L.A, do you say to yourself, "Wow, they did the Olympics here!". I doubt it, because its not there right now. Where did it go? After two weeks, it went away. And what did it leave behind? A lot less than there would have been if the same resources had gone directly into the community.

Any town that finances an Olympics does indeed earn the world's recognition, not as World Class, but as World Sap, with the world saying, 'Spend it, and we will come'.

The question you need to ask yourself is, what good is this going to do for me? Why do I want an Olympics here? Because it will be fun for me? Because of the pride that comes when other people recognize my region as worthy of notice? What about the pride borne of a community that boasts acres of affordable housing or universal health care coverage. Now that is something for folks with $350,000,000 to spend and two weeks to spend it to strive for!

The Chicago Transit Authority train line has long stretches of go-slow zones and an archaic switching system. Interstate rail traffic is being driven far out of the city because of long delays at grade level street crossings. In some neighborhoods, sitting on the porch on a warm summer night can be dangerous. The city of Chicago needs more police and an updated transit system, not an Olympics. The time and money dedicated into attracting the 2016 Olympic Games is taking the focus off of these far more important issues.

Two weeks of media attention to get the City of Chicago into the international spot light. That's what the Olympics is for, and it isn't worth it.


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